Tuesday, April 6, 2010

First Day of Classes!

I had my first round of classes yesterday and things actually went quite well! I wasn't really sure what to expect, but it definitely went well. I was afraid the kids would be bored and there would be nothing left to do after the first 15-20 min.

My first lesson was with 7 kids from Padina. I put together a simple powerpoint since it was a small enough group to crowd around my laptop. The powerpoint was simple and helped me get an idea of how much they knew. This group will be tricky to work with. The kids are at really different levels. I hope we will be able to break them down into three separate groups. I really hope the kids invite their friends - especially if the 7 kids are divided into 3 groups. With 3 separate classes, I can definitely handle more kids! The classes are open to kids that do not come to the church. Hopefully if new kids come, they may also be encouraged to attend Liljana's Sunday school class. Liljana said there are some kids in the town that really want to come to Sunday school with their friends, but their parents won't let them. I will meet with this group again tomorrow because the kids don't have school this week.

My second lesson was with 4 adorable girls in Kovocica. They really surprised me with how much they knew! One of the girls just started to learn English. She was taking careful notes the whole time and was so proud of herself when she knew the word I was looking for. I'm meeting so many new people at once - I hope I can remember all the names! On a random note, the women here have such pretty names.

My third class was with 3 adults from Padina. They are absolute beginners, but are very eager to learn. I think we will have a really good time together.

The first day went well. The challenging part is not being infront of the kids, its figuring out lesson plans and what to teach. So if you have any advice, let me know!

With a little help from Tom, I found a way to hide my IP access and gain access to all my favorite ABC shows. I'm watching Dancing with the Stars right now. Yay to Pamela Anderson for speaking out against the violent sport of bull fighting on prime time!

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