Friday, May 28, 2010

A Wonderful Birthday Surprise

Yesterday started out like any other day. Right before my first class, my hosts gave me some birthday gifts. At first I was surprised, but they are such wonderful people so I should have known they would do something like that. I was surprised to get a Padina t-shirt! town is so small so I had no idea they sold Padina shirts. Liljana even knitted me two beautiful fish.

I was surprised again when one of the teen boys gave me a big chocolate bar and said happy birthday. His mother is in my adult class so I thought she must have remembered when we did a lesson on the months of the year and birthdays. The rest of the day continued as usual.

Usually, when my first adult class is over, they leave right away because most of them have kids at home. I was wondering why no one was in a hurry to leave. Then, I noticed the students from the second group were all waiting in the lobby area of the church. They all started to bring in gifts! Next thing I knew, my hosts were walking in with a birthday cake! I had absolutely no idea that they had planned a surprise party for me! I was so touched by their generosity and kindness. The women in my class are all so wonderful - I really wish you could meet them!

I couldn't believe how many gifts I got. I got way too much chocolate, three bottles of body spray/perfume, 4 shirts, some little decorations, 5 hand-made corn husk dolls, and a basil plant! I mentioned one time that I loved basil and that I grew it at home. One of the ladies that work in Belgrade found a basil plant at a market, and basil is not easy to find here! The gifts were very sweet, but the best part was just seeing how much they care. I know I'm not the best teacher, so I sometimes think that I am getting more out off this experience than they are. I'm putting so much time into the classes - I am so much busier than I ever imagined I would be. I am trying my best so I am just so grateful that they keep coming to class.

The only thing that bothered me about the night was that my one host mentioned to to women that I quit my job to be here and that I even paid for my plane ticket and all other expenses related to this trip. They didn't need to know those details because it makes this sound like a really big deal and that I am making a huge sacrifice for them. I don't want them to feel bad that I gave up a lot to be here - those details are not important. I am here because I chose to be here and that's what should matter.

Here are some pictures from the party and of my gifts! I didn't include individual pictures of the people because I don't want to put their pictures on the internet without asking.

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